This week we explored recording our super bugs onto I Movie. Click on the short movies below and listen to some of the children read their poems. In theme time we learned about how precious water is in other parts of the world and therefore, we should not waste it. Room 14 children designed a badge on Kid Pix to share with the rest of the junior school. We would like people to save water and not waste it!
The highlight of the week for all the juniors was Blue Day on Thursday. We did a variety of activities like making our badges, making fish, a water cycle and taking part in a great ice experiment called ‘melting madness’. We had a competition in groups to see which group could melt an ice cube using their hands only! It was fun. The children were co operating and discussing ways to melt the ice cube faster……
The junior school then gathered in the hall and shared some of their learning about water from the term.