On Friday Room 14 was the last class at school to host the full school assembly for the year. The theme was Keeping Ourselves Safe, as this had been a school wide focus for the term. We performed skits about some of these safety messages:
* Young children need to learn their full name, address and phone number in case they get lost
* Follow safety rules when you are on the internet: don't give out personal details. Parents should be able to see the family computer when children are on it.
* Know what to do if a stranger comes up to you: don't talk to them, get help if you feel scared, go into the nearest shop if you need to and ask for help.
* To know what to do in an emergency: dial 111 and ask for help.
Constable Harwood was a very special guest and spoke to the parents. At the end of the assembly, Georgia presented him with a special 'Safe Walking' book that the class had made filled with poems they had written and safety messages. This was a way to say a "big thank you" for commenting regularly on our blog and supporting the children with positive feedback when they posted their safety comments about what they learnt.
The assembly was a big success! We felt really proud because we were only 6 and 7 year olds and we hosted the assembly by ourselves!!