We have been learning about the importance of keeping ourselves safe when we are in the sun. We know that we need to 'cover up' because the sun's harmful rays can be dangerous.
Read our safety messages drawn on Kidpix.

Look at the posters we have made. We have used an idea that Constable Bluemel taught us earlier this term. We have written the word 'Sunsmart' and have tried to turn some of the letters into pictures. Listen to the poems we have written with a safety message. The children took photos of their work to publish on the blog. You can click on any poster to make it bigger.
Aidan’s poster
Jaz’s poster
Listen to these poems read by Georgia, Herbert, Cindy, Angela and Casey
Georgia’s poster
Christina’s poster
Listen to these poems read by Jessica, Liam, Jaz, Gabriel and Hannah.
Jerome’s poster
Chloe’s poster
These poems were written and read by Tre, Christina, Aarushi and Nathan.
Hannah’s poster
Max’s poster
Listen to Luke, Chloe, Jerome, Max and Aidan read their poems.
Cindy’s poster
Rodney’s poster
We have been exploring the activities on this website to remind us to keep safe in the sun. Click here.

Learn and sing this song with Sid the seagull. It will remind you to 'cover up' when you play outside over the holidays.
you should always be sunsmart in the sun if you go outside.