Monday, August 31, 2009

Exploring with 'Wordle'

We made a 'word dump' about bridges. Look carefully, can you see the names of the children who made these?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Term 3 week 3

Our topic this term is Bridges. We have started the topic by sharing what we already know about bridges. We wrote a definition to explain what a bridge was based on our prior knowledge. We drew our pictures on Kid Pix. 
Click on a definition to enlarge it.


Monday, August 3, 2009

A Special Visitor to Our Class

We have had an exciting start to term 3. This week we had 3 special visitors to our school all the way from Wisconsin in America. We were lucky to have Mrs Oulahan in our class for the week. She was learning lots of things about what teaching was like in New Zealand.

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Aidan, Herbert, Georgia and Hannah interviewed her. She shared some interesting information about her school with us. There were some things that were the same and many things that were different. Listen to what she had to say…..

Thanks for visiting us Mrs Oulahan! We enjoyed having you in our class!

Looking Out The Window.....

What do you see when you look out the window?
This is what Mr Gordon and Room 14 saw when they looked out the window one morning. Listen to the adjectives they have used to describe what they saw.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

When We Think Of Water....

What do YOU think about when you think of water?
Listen to OUR thoughts................

Have You Seen a Missing Taniwha?

Mr Gordon and Room 14 children have been on the hunt for a missing taniwha....HAVE YOU SEEN HER??????
Listen to the adjectives that describes what she looks like.

How well did you listen to our description?
Answer these questions.
What is the taniwha's name?
How old is she?
How long are her spikes?
What are her teeth like?
What is the reward for finding this taniwha?
Post a comment and send us the answers.