Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Would These Capsules Turn Into???

We started our exciting inquiry about dinosaurs by doing an experiment. We put tiny capsules in a glass of hot water and watched to see what would happened.........We were excited to see the results.......

Look at our dinosaurs! The children took their own photos


  1. It was fun doing this experiment with the capsules. We couldn't wait to see what our dinosaur looked like.

  2. That is so cool Room 14! You must have had a lot of fun waiting to see what would happen. It's amazing how something so tiny can grow into a dinosaur!
    Well done - you are clever scientists and photographers.
    From Mrs Seath

  3. Wow look at what our capsules turned into. My one was a Parasaurolophus.

  4. Chantelle and MaggieNovember 15, 2010 at 7:18 PM

    My capsule turned into a Parasaurolophus. Matthew's capsule turned into an Apatosaurus. Herbivores are plant eaters and Carnivores are meat eaters

  5. I really like your dinosaurs how do you do that I will see who wins

  6. I like the day when we did the capsules .

  7. I like YOUR dinosaurs Eden.
