On Friday Room 14 was the last class at school to host the full school assembly for the year. The theme was Keeping Ourselves Safe, as this had been a school wide focus for the term. We performed skits about some of these safety messages:
* Young children need to learn their full name, address and phone number in case they get lost
* Follow safety rules when you are on the internet: don't give out personal details. Parents should be able to see the family computer when children are on it.
* Know what to do if a stranger comes up to you: don't talk to them, get help if you feel scared, go into the nearest shop if you need to and ask for help.
* To know what to do in an emergency: dial 111 and ask for help.
Constable Harwood was a very special guest and spoke to the parents. At the end of the assembly, Georgia presented him with a special 'Safe Walking' book that the class had made filled with poems they had written and safety messages. This was a way to say a "big thank you" for commenting regularly on our blog and supporting the children with positive feedback when they posted their safety comments about what they learnt.
The assembly was a big success! We felt really proud because we were only 6 and 7 year olds and we hosted the assembly by ourselves!!
Many thanks to the parents that came and supported us and to Tayla, Cecelia, Tommy and Callum (year 6 students from our buddy class) who helped us.
Watch and listen to the movie the children have made...

Hi Room 14, I am so proud of you all, the assembly was a great success. Each one of you was absolutely fabulous!! Well done!
Hi there Room 14.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say - your assembly was really well worth waiting for. I'm glad you'd kept it a SURPRISE. I thought your skits were so informative and really summed up all the important rules we have been learning as part of Keeping Ourselves Safe. Well done to all of you.
I felt scared when I got to the stage.
ReplyDeleteI felt exited when I was in the assembly,And doing some skits.When Georgia handed out the book to Constable Harwood I felt happy for him.When it was the Kung fu fighting song I felt a bit shy.
ReplyDeleteI felt happy when Georgia gave the book to Constable Harwood. I felt proud when Constable Harwood said Thank you to Room 14
ReplyDeleteI felt proud when I participated in the assembly.My favourite was the Kung fu fighting song.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised because my Dad was there watching the assembly.
ReplyDeleteI felt excited because Constable Harwood was there watching the assembly
ReplyDeleteI really liked the assembly. When we did kungfu fighting I felt shy and amazed.
ReplyDeleteWhen I gave the Thank You book to Constable Harwood I think he felt special.When I did the KungFu fighting dance I felt brave and confident.
ReplyDeleteI really loved doing the assembly..
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I was the speaker.
ReplyDeleteI felt proud when Georgia gave the book to Constable Harwood.
ReplyDeleteWhen I got on the stage I did not feel
I was scared talking in the microphone and doing the Kung fu fighting.
ReplyDeleteI was scared talking in the microphone.
ReplyDeleteAt first me and Angela were scared when we got up on the stage.Then we were fine.
ReplyDeleteIt was fun doing the Kung Fu fighting song.
ReplyDeleteI felt a bit scared Because there were lots of parents!
ReplyDeleteI like that ninja doing the Well Done Room 14. I felt happy with that.
ReplyDeleteIn the assembly I was Hector. I thought he was cute.
ReplyDeleteI really like the assemby because
ReplyDeleteIt was FUN.
The Assembly was fun. When we all did Jump Jam.
ReplyDeleteI love the Safe Walking Book you all made me it is fabulous. I showed my whole family and everyone at work and they all thought it was very cool. I hope you all have a great Christmas and I will see you next year
ReplyDeleteI thought the assembly was something very special that all those involved can be very proud of. That each and everyone one of you put on a show that myself the teachers and especially the parents thought was very cool. I did feel very special and very lucky when Georgia handed out the book to me.
ReplyDeleteI was proud of myself because I was on the stage.
ReplyDeleteThe Hectors look fantastic and cool because of the drawings.
ReplyDeleteIve just seen the movie of your assembly, it looked AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are clever 6 and 7 year olds to share those safety messages in front of the whole school.
Hi Constable Harwood we are glad that you showed your friends and family the book and they all liked it. We are pleased that you and the audience liked our assembly. We all hope that you have a wonderful Christmas too and a happy New Year.We think that Santa will bring you a Good Surprise for Christmas. We will look forward to seeing you again next year.
ReplyDeleteRoom 14s voices were loud and clear.
ReplyDeleteI wish Constable Harwood wiil come back before Christmas! That would be nice.
ReplyDeleteActing is cool because its kind of like a kids show.
ReplyDeleteI was confident when I did the assembly.
ReplyDeleteWhen Georgia handed the book out to Constable Harwood he was Surprised!
ReplyDeleteand I was very shy when I did the skits.