Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bea and the Mimio in reading time

Today Bea made word families for 'op' using the Mimio. Can you read these words? Can you think of any other words?


  1. Hi Bea

    We liked your work about the -op- words. We read them.

  2. Hi Room 14! Thank you so much for having me in your class this week! I am really, really enjoying my time with all of you and I am learning so much from your wonderful teacher, Mrs Naran! See you all tomorrow! Miss Radmore

  3. Thomas thought of two other -op- words, he said bop and mop.

  4. Hi Bea I enjoyed reading your op words. They are wonderful and it looks like you just need finger spaces.

  5. Hi room 14 I like our 4 pets. One is a frog and the frog is jumpy. The fish is swirly and the hamster is hungry. The turtle is slow as!

  6. Well done Thomas for thinking of more -op- words, you are clever!

  7. Hi Bea, I really like the op words. They are very good.

  8. Hi Bea i found some more op words they are drop,swop,lop,flop,slop
